I'm thrilled to present the illustrations and cover design I've crafted for Anna Sewell's timeless masterpiece, 'Black Beauty.'

This project, published by Matara Children's Publishing in 2021, has been a source of great joy and excitement for me. With each drawing, I worked diligently to capture the deep meanings and emotional richness of the book.

For the cover design, I aimed to reflect the essence of the story by creating a powerful depiction of the central character, the black horse "Black Beauty." In harmony with the content, I prepared a series of illustrations portraying various scenes from the book, bringing to life the emotions of the characters.

Throughout this project, I endeavored to understand and express Anna Sewell's compelling narrative and characters, infusing them with my own artistic interpretation.

I am delighted to share this project with you and look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Black Beauty


Black Beauty
